The third criminal section of the Court of Cassation, with sentence no. 38882/2018, reiterates the concept that "recovering employees...
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The advice is always the same: do not click on links in the email text, do not open for any reason...
criminal-court-of-cassation-sentence-i-9446-2018-it – JurisWiki Having read the conclusions of the Public Prosecutor, represented by the Deputy Attorney General at this Court, Dr. Massimo… It's true. Telematic tools help us... when they work! However, we must use extraordinary diligence in using them...
Let us remember that #Amore is #respect for #women and #men. The #love is #sweetness, #patience, #availability, #support #mutual,…
No to “oral delegation”: the delegation provided for by art. 102 cpp (defense substitute) must necessarily be conferred in writing –…
Fidapa Modoetia says stop to violence against girls | Il Punto Notizie Against violence against girls…