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Dr. Roia on feminicides: "unheard complaints"

This is the real problem.

We continue to advise women victims of violence to report, but then the superficiality and incompetence of some sector operators does not help.
Training is needed in all fields. It is necessary for the Magistrates, the Lawyers who sometimes assist the victims and other the perpetrators, the Police Forces who "collect" the complaints and who should quickly assess the danger of the aggressors and request the appropriate measures, but it is also necessary to communicate the news. There is, in fact, little attention from journalists and the media. Only 11 European Union countries, among which Italy is not present, have drawn up a code of conduct for information operators. Sometimes the communicative message is misleading when it comes to "sick love" or even "excess of love" with reports that recall a sort of justification of the violent action instead of a natural manifestation of a deviant gender dominance. In doing so, the disvalue of the conduct is attenuated (the man was depressed, he had been left, he did not accept the separation, he was jealous…). In fact, you should use unbiased language, provide helpful information, and treat the injured party with respect.


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