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Sports law. Competence Tar Lazio for any dispute?

The Decree Law of 5 October 2018, n. 115 introduced important innovations in terms of administrative justice.
At the art. 133 of the Code of Administrative Procedure, which defines the sphere of exclusive jurisdiction of the administrative judge, the letter z-sexies) has been added relating to "disputes relating to the admission and exclusion measures from professional competitions of professional sports clubs or associations , or in any case incidents on participation in professional competitions.” Furthermore, attributing any dispute to the functional competence of the Lazio TAR.
These proceedings are then attracted to the accelerated procedure pursuant to art. 119.
The procedure applicable to these types of disputes, i.e. those relating to admissions and exclusions from sporting competitions, then undergoes a decidedly strong characterization: a paragraph 3bis is introduced in art. 62 of the Code of Administrative Procedures.
CONI will also have the right to make use of the patronage of the State Attorney and lastly it is envisaged that the new provisions will also apply to ongoing trials and disputes.








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