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"It's true. We don't build bridges. We don't raise buildings. We don't make engines. We do not paint pictures except as amateurs for our own amusement. There is little of what we do that the human eye can see. We, however, smooth out the difficulties; we ease the tensions; we correct mistakes. We take on the burdens of other men and with our efforts we make possible the peaceful life of men in a peaceful state ”.

John W. Davis
speech at the Bar Association of New York, March 16, 1946

"Remember that brevity and clarity are the two qualities that the judge loves most in the lawyer's speech"
(Piero Calamandrei, "In praise of the judges written by a lawyer", 1954)


In the criminal field it is of fundamental importance to have a professional qualified professional at his side who, at the same time, is able to listen to and fully understand the history and discomfort of his client. Therefore, my maximum commitment is so that the trust that the client has placed in me can be maintained and increased over time.
The study provides assistance in civil law, both substantive and procedural, offering loyalty and transparency in the relationship with the client. We guarantee accurate study of every single issue and promptness in the answers through the identification of the best defensive strategy to reach the resolution of today's increasingly complex legal problems.
In many cases, with a serious professional and prepared by your side, personal and legal problems can be solved without resorting to judicial authority, with significant savings in terms of time, costs and quality of life.

who  I'm

I am a criminal lawyer, family lawyer and clinical criminologist.
Passionate and expert in criminal procedure, in particular in the means of proof, the search for evidence and the techniques of examination and cross-examination. I have acquired and developed, through study and numerous training courses, the ability to negotiate and mediate for conflict resolution.
I deal with violent family relationships, psychological violence, economic violence and witnessed violence. I have also studied victimology, paraphilias and I am involved in the prevention of gender violence, bullying and cyberbullying.
My firm provides technical defense to suspects, defendants and injured parties for crimes against the person, against property, health care liability and corporate crimes, using, where necessary, external technical consultants. Particular attention and care is dedicated to the defense of minors, victims of sexual crimes, crimes against the family such as, for example.
• Violation of family assistance obligations (art. 570 cp);
• Abduction of incapacitated persons (art. 574 cp);
• Personal injury (art. 582 cp);
• Sexual violence (art. 609bis and 609ter of the Criminal Code);
• Stalking (612-bis cp);
• Illicit dissemination of sexually explicit images or videos (art. 612 ter cp).
The long course of studies has provided me with knowledge and skills on the constitutive aspects of the antisocial personality and criminal behavior in the contexts of clinical forensic sciences, investigation, penitentiary, risk management, dangerousness and recidivism.
And as far as the civil sector is concerned, I deal with all issues related to family law, in particular separations, divorces and issues relating to child custody.
I have been a civil mediator since 2010.
In 2022 I acquired the title of Expert Negotiator of business crisis.
In 2023, I specialized, through a specialization course at the State University of Milan, in the discipline of Legislative Decree 231/2001 on the criminal liability of entities and corporate compliance.
In 2024 I obtained with 110 cum laude the diploma of Master of II Level in Clinical Criminology and Forensic Sciences at the “Consorzio Universitario Humanitas – San Raffaele di Roma”, acquiring the title of Clinical Criminologist and Expert in Forensic Sciences, discussing a thesis on the subject of multiple homicides entitled “Serial killer, spree killer, mass murderer? Capaci di intendere e volontà?”
An expert case” under the direction of Prof. Vincenzo Maria Mastronardi.
Lecturer at the 2nd level University Master's Degree in Criminalistics and Investigative Criminology at the PM Loria Higher School of Linguistic Mediation for two consecutive years (AA 2020/2021- 2021/2022) and currently speaker at numerous seminars and conferences for professional updates on the topics of greatest interest.
Co-ordinator and Teacher of the 1st and 2nd Level Master's Degree in "Criminal Mediator Expert in Restorative Justice" of the Humanitas – San Raffaele University Consortium of Rome (AA 2023/2024) directed by Prof. Vincenzo Maria Mastronardi.
Law firm owner since 2005.
Head of the Criminal Law Department of the Movimento Forense, Milan section, from 2016 to 2019.
Elected as a delegate of the Milan Bar Association at the XXXIV National Forensic Congress (Catania 4-6 October 2018 and Rome 5-6 April 2019).
Already a member of the practice assessment commission of the Milan Bar Association from 2008 to 2022.
Former member of the Youth Commission and the Criminal Law Commission of the Milan Bar Association.
Professional Mediator at the Humanitarian Society Organization from July 2019 to 2023.
Contract Professor at SSML PM LORIA from 2019 to 2022.
Founder and President of the Professional Speakers Association.
Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Journal of CRIMINOLOGY, INVESTIGATION, PSYCHOPATHOLOGY AND INTERNATIONAL FORENSIC SCIENCES (Official Journal of the International Institute of Criminological and Psychopathological-Forensic Sciences).
President of AMI, Association of Italian Matrimonial Lawyers, District Section of Milan.


I deal with the defense of the accused of a crime or of the person offended by it, in the preliminary and procedural stages, as well as during the execution of the sentence.

There are several areas of criminal law in which the firm has developed particular expertise :.

  • Protection of victims from crime
  • Crimes against the person and against the assets
  • IT crimes
  • Corporate and commercial criminal law
  • Legal protection in the field of medical or health professional faults
  • Protection of consumer and personality rights
  • Simple bankruptcy
  • Fraudulent bankruptcy
  • Tax evasion
  • Industrial counterfeiting
  • Fraudulent insolvency
  • Tax evasion
  • Drafting lawsuit and complaint
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    The study, with regard to civil law, has acquired specific expertise in the areas listed below:

    • Family law, separations and divorces
    • Compensation for damages for medical liability
    • Credit recovery
    • Contracts
    Ask for your advice

      The study provides assistance in extrajudicial field for the drafting of contracts, for the stipulation of agreements of various nature and for the settlement of disputes




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        "Being proud without being proud, and humble together without being servile"
        Piero Calamandrei

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        Useful links

        “The client said in choosing the defender:« Eloquent and cunning: excellent lawyer »!
        The judge said in blaming him: "Big talker and trickster: bad lawyer!"
        "Piero Calamandrei"
        "What do you mean" great lawyer "? It means a lawyer useful for judges to help them decide according to justice, useful for the client to help him assert his reasons. Useful is that lawyer who speaks strictly necessary, who writes clearly and concisely, who does not clutter the hearing with his intrusive personality, who does not bore the judges with his prolixity and does not put them into suspicion with his subtlety: just the opposite, therefore, of what some public understands by "great lawyer". (Piero Calamandrei, "In praise of the judges written by a lawyer", 1954)




        Office hours

        Monday to Friday: 9.00am - 7.00pm
        Saturday: closed (You only receive by appointment)

        Where am I

        Via Podgora, 10 -20122 - Milan
        Phone: 02.59902066, Fax: 02.36695382